All businesses want theirwebsites to be at the top of trending and search results. There is constant pressure to generate ideas that will gain attention from some of the most perspicacious audiences out there. 


You should target the topics which will help you to build better relationships with your audience, improve the customer experience, increase your authority, drive more people to your site, give you an edge over the competition, and increase conversions, which means more sales, more loyal customers, and more growth for your business.


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SEO is the magic you have to work on your article in order to make Google very likely to include your post as one of the top results whenever someone searches for that keyword. Google looks at 200+ different factors when determining the ranking of websites and blogs that show up on their SERPs. They want to find content that is relevant to the user’s query, but that can also be trusted to provide value for the reader. 


3 simple steps to find Blog topics that improve your SEO: 

Step 1: Figure out what your readers want 

When you figure out what questions your buyers or readers are asking, the process of creating an SEO-friendly blog is easy. 


Step 2: Search for relevant keywords 

Before you start writing, you have to do keyword research. If you want to dominate the search results, you’ll have to figure out which words your audience actually searches for. These are the topics you should write about. 


Use a Keyword Research Tool: 

Armed with your list of potential keywords, use a keyword research tool to examine the search volume and competitiveness of each term. The ideal is to find a keyword that has high search volume and low competition.


Sites like Soovle, Jaay, Google Search Console, and Ahrefs Keywords Explorer give you details on what users are searching for and how popular those queries are.


Step 3: Supporting Research to ensure results 

  • Google Trends: what keywords are popular at any given time.  
  • Google Autosuggest: To use Google Autosuggest, enter your main Keyword in Google. 
  • Searches Related to: scroll down to the bottom of Google Search to the section called Searches Related To. 
  • People Also Ask Box: shows similar questions that are closely or directly related to your searched keyword. 
  • Discover Topics with Quora: Quora is a popular question and answer website and is a great place for you to find new topics for your blog. 
  • Answer The Public: Useful keyword research tool for discovering question-focused topics very easily. 
  • Search for Twitter Hashtags: You will find many ideas for your blog topics through trending hashtags on Twitter on a  daily basis.  

Bookmark this page to following these simple steps to gain maximum advantage. For questions or to share your project details with us, drop us an email or WhatsApp at +91-7982534881.Â