Pain: You have multiple communication channels, but you can’t find the right customer at the right time.


4.33 billion people are on social media – and they all make new friends. Now the question we should be tackling is: how effectively do brands make friends and establish relationships online? In this Pain-Benefit-Solution Analysis, we will provide you an overview of how AI helps to engage with your customers digitally to build authentic relationships, and make new fans. Create a powerful strategy that is best for your business, whether it be social media, live chat software, webinars, or paid search.


Benefit: Our AI solutions automatically find & sustains them for you The biggest companies in the world are now using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The new technologies are supposed to help them better understand their customers & react more quickly and easily to their suggestions and complaints.  Unfortunately, many companies treat these AI technologies as a kind of digital weapon, which can be used when necessary – but only when it is necessary. It is a myth that AI eliminates human-to-human connections.


On the contrary, it enhances the touchpoints of human interaction. There are multiple smaller areas in your digital transformation journey where AI systems can contribute to the growth and prosperity of your business. Take hold of your active users, retention rate & core user activities.


Solution: Reach the right customer at the right time using Digital Customer Engagement.


A few tips that can come in handy before taking the deep dive about deciding on the right solutions for DCE

  • How your business can use AI-powered customer engagement solutions.
  • Make sure your copywriters know how to write for the web as there is a difference in the reading style and attention span.
  • Use customer personas to build the right strategies for outreach
  • Build a chatbot to address the basic queries automatically
  • Make sure your website is responsive and works
  • Use email marketing
  • Use content marketing
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

While implementing DCE pipelines you have to understand your customer’s :

  • Behavior
  • Needs
  • Motivation
  • Mindset
  • Environment
  • Culture
  • Concerns
  • Decision-making process
  • Emotions

A few methods by which the DCE pipelines can give you better optimization results :

  • Online survey
  • Online chat
  • Live chat
  • Email
  • Social media
  • Phone call
  • In-store
  • In-app
  • In-game
  • Event

Here is a checklist of the tools which you can use for a complete DCE funnel:

Developing a winning digital customer loyalty strategy should be the foundation of every business. It should be part of your vision, should be one of your core competencies, and should define your future.


In addition, you should have a clear and precise definition of your customer journey. As competition grows, you need to focus on your customers’ needs, set your core message, and choose a combination of powerful software’s to keep going and going and going. Create and empower your DCE strategy with Technocratiq Digital.