ALMOST ONE THIRD INTERNET USERS USE INSTAGRAM! Instagram with its 700 million active user base has positioned itself as the preferred platform for business across the world. Most viewed Instagram stories are from business accounts and consumers have already spent billions of dollars purchasing Instagram recommended goods and services. 


Let us dive straight into how it all works?

1. Creating an Instagram Business account or converting your existing personal account

Most of you reading this will already have a personal Instagram account. If your content is updated, niche, and creative you can just simply convert your personal account to a business account. Or you can simply just create a new Instagram Business account.  


2. Development and implementation of successful Instagram Strategy

When it comes to defining your brand’s unique selling point, you need to first define your geographies and target demographics to set a clear objective for your planned business activities. We at TIQ, are experts in creating a successful Instagram business model for your business so that you can just plug and play your content. Schedule your free consultation! 



It goes without saying that to reach your audience and place yourself as a desired brand your content needs to be authentic with a concise call to action system. Creating your content calendar and optimising your existing creatives will make you stand apart from your competitors. 


4.  Metrics, Maths, and More

YES! There are various tools both free and paid across the internet which provide you the ability to measure your goals and revisit your expectations for every campaign. Some of the best tools available are Buffer, Hootsuite, Sprout, and SkedSocial. Check them out! 


Now let me share some professional TIPS from our experts at Technocratiq to boost your businesses social media presence

1. First impression will last forever, your time is now! 

2. Integrate your social media marketing with a unified message across platforms.

3. Engage with your audience, provide that value they have been looking for! 

4. Manage your reputation and build a credible brand with trusted reviews

5. Start with one platform, then build on it. 

6. Document your day to day operations for content, it will be easier to document than to create.   

Let your audience feel they are in control and prioritize quality over quantity. Create a great lasting brand and reach a global audience for your business through Instagram marketing. Contact us to know more about how Instagram is made for your business.Â