
Google Ads is a powerful tool to drive targeted traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and eventually convert prospective buyers into paying customers. In fact, it is a powerful multi-functional advertising platform, however, the right strategy must be in place or your advertising cost could quickly become an overwhelming spend without much to show for it. Ultimately a balance between Google Ads spending down, and conversion up must be achieved and implemented going an optimization way with data whenever possible for strategies such as targeting, ad copy, and smart bid strategies. Below is a review of the various techniques for spending less of Google Ads budget, and conversions in Google Ads, and help remember every dollar spent is even more meaningful ROI.


1. Long Tail Keywords – Precise Targeting

  • Long-tail keywords are the true leader of your Google Ads spend. Compared to broad and general keywords which sound glamorous because of their reach, costs can be high and conversion rates very low, so long-tail keywords are much better.
  • Long-tail Keywords are simply more specific phrases with much lower search volume but higher intent. 
  • For example:- if you can’t target the keyword “laptops” because of high competition and high spending, then you can target “affordable gaming laptops under $1,000,” which targets users farther in the buying cycle.
  • This both cuts costs and increases the likelihood of conversion. As an added opportunity with long-tail keywords, they will be less competitive, therefore your CPC will also be lower, and the user is most likely further down the buying cycle. Using long-tail keywords is an important method of optimizing your Google Ads spending and driving better-quality traffic to your website.

2. Block low-quality, unwanted traffic using negative keywords:

  • One of the most frequently overlooked aspects of many Google Ads campaigns is the negative keyword. Negative keywords prevent your ad from appearing in searches with irrelevant words, saving your ad budget on queries that won’t lead to conversions.
  • For example:- if you’re selling luxury handbags, you wouldn’t want your ads showing for people searching for “cheap handbags.” By making “cheap” a negative keyword, you ensure your ads are shown only to those more likely to convert.
  • This tactic can help reduce Google Ads costs, improve conversion rates, and eliminate irrelevant traffic. The more precise your targeting with both positive and negative keywords, the better your chances of turning ad spending into real leads or sales.
  • Using negative keywords effectively can also boost your Quality Score, which impacts ad performance and CPC, so it’s crucial to implement them efficiently.

3. Optimize Ad Spend with Ad Scheduling

  • Ad scheduling, or dayparting, enables advertisers to select the precise time that their ad is displayed. The time of day and days of the week will dictate the ad’s schedule depending on which days or hours are generally the most profitable for your business.
  • Ad scheduling allows an advertiser to do a historical analysis of the day and time that their ad was successful compared to other hours or days that led to no clicks or conversions. 
  • For example:- an advertiser may analyze that their ad converts mostly on weekdays during business hours, and thus schedule their ad budget to display based on the day and times to maximize the lowest cost per click during business hours and days, saving during the non-performing weekends or hours.
  • In addition to scheduling ads to save on ad spend, ad scheduling will help to reduce clicks on Google Ads that are not likely to convert. This allows advertisers to stop paying for clicks when the users would be less inclined to convert. Ad scheduling can also help to maximize Google Ads conversions by allocating the budget to specific days and times that have the greatest opportunity to generate sales or leads.

4. Raise Your Quality Score to Lower Your CPC 

A Quality Score is a measure of the relevance of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. It determines what your ad placement will be and your cost-per-click. The higher the Quality Score tells you the better performance your ad will have and the lower the cost-per-click you’ll pay. To improve your quality score, consider:

  1. Relevance of an ad: Your ad copy should strongly match the intent of the keywords you’re bidding on. The closer your ads match what users want when they make that query the higher your quality score will be.
  2. Landing page experience: Landing pages should be an easy transition, user-friendly experience, and fit well with ad copy. Fast-loading, mobile-friendly with a clear call to action will drive your quality score up.
  3. Expected Click-through rate (CTR): Your ad copy must be compelling enough that users will want to click on it. The higher the CT is on your ad the more favorable Google will be toward your ad.

Not only would you see savings on Google Ads costs, but you’ll also create an opportunity for your ads to be placed higher through an improved quality score, which will have incremental effects on Google Ad conversions as well. 


5. Geographic Targeting

  • Geo-targeting, a highly complex and powerful feature, allows businesses to use Google Ads to focus their advertising budgets on specific users in a specific location. If your business is geared toward a particular local or region-based audience, advertising to users outside your area will often represent wasted media and wasted clicks.
  • For example:- a small bakery in New York does not want to drive advertising to people living in Los Angeles, as they are outside of the area the bakery serves.
  • Targeting specifically based on geographic areas will allow you to optimize Google Ads spending in such a way that every click is that much closer to conversion. With geo-targeting, you can decrease wasted clicks on Google Ads from users outside the tailored audience who may be clicking on your advertisements.
  • Consider geo-targeting as a means to tighten your focus on the best target audience to maximize both click-through rates and conversion.

6. Ad Extensions: More than What Meets the Eye

  • Ad extensions offer a way to boost visibility and click-through rates without extra costs. Google provides several types of ad extensions, such as site link extensions, callout extensions, and location extensions, among others.
  • These extensions give users who have already shown interest in your product or service more information about your business and additional ways to connect and inquire.
  • For example:- site link extensions allow you to add links that direct users to specific pages of your website, while callout extensions highlight key features or benefits of your product or service.
  • When used effectively, ad extensions make ads more appealing and useful to consumers, typically leading to a higher Quality Score, lower CPC, and improved conversions with Google Ads.

7. Continuous Improvement with A/B Testing

  • An A/B test, also known as split testing, continues to be one of the core components of an effective digital marketing campaign. To further elaborate, A/B testing takes two versions of the ad or landing page and tries to determine which ad or landing page performs the best. A/B testing can be done around any element of your campaign, like your ad copy, headlines, images, or calls to action.
  • By regularly testing various versions of your ads, you’d get to see which version produces the most number of conversions for the lowest cost. Then, you could anticipate keeping your Google ads down to a minimum, by deleting ads that were not performing well to add additional funds to the successful advertisements. In essence, A/B tests could optimize your campaign holistically over time, and therefore optimize Google Ads conversion, by optimizing your ads, and your landing pages, consistently. 

8. Intelligent Bidding Strategies

  • Google Ads has numerous, automated bidding strategies to assist you with your advertising goals. Smart Bidding employs machine learning to continually assess and optimize your bids in real-time to get the most value for your ad spend. With methods like Target CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition) or Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), you will Aim to maximize your conversions and keep your spending preserved.
  • The Smart Bidding options within Google Ads will optimize your ad spending, as Google will automatically adjust the bids to obtain the highest output. Overall this keeps your ad spending lower, without excessive bidding or underbidding, while still leading to additional conversions. 

9. Landing Page Improvements to Increase Conversion

All the best campaigns in the world will fail if your landing page is not optimized for conversion. A poorly designed landing page may correlate to higher bounce rates, lower engagement, and ultimately wasted ad dollars. If your goal is to get your landing pages to do their job, then it is obviously best that they create a smooth experience.

  • Clear and Relevant Content: Make sure the content of your landing page is aligned with your ad copy. Users should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
  • Loading Time: A slow-loading page will drive users away, thus converting more losses and increasing bounce rates.
  • Call to Action: A strong, well-placed, enticing CTA can make all the difference between converting and not converting.

Optimizing landing pages maximizes not only Google Ad conversions but also reduces costs in Google Ads as a result of better quality scores and not wasting clicks.


10. Tracking and Adjusting Campaigns Frequently

  • Google Ads is a fairly dynamic space, and what works one day may not work the next. What is important is to continue to monitor, and keep adjusting your campaigns based on performance. Monitoring key metrics such as CPC, conversion rate, and quality score in an area where you see room for improvement, could go a long way for optimization.
  • Consistency optimization of your campaigns means you are always maximizing campaign effectiveness, but also can minimize wasting on spending on Google Ads for better results. With adjustments regularly, you can try new strategies and always keep ahead of your competitors. 


  • It is essential to maximize profits from your AdWords campaign while minimizing costs and achieving high conversions. You can do this by planning and optimizing the use of long-tail keywords, utilizing negative keywords to ensure your ad shows only in relevant contexts, and improving your Quality Score to deliver actual value without excessive spending. Additional tools like geo-targeting, ad scheduling, and smart bidding can all contribute to adjusting your campaigns to maximize ROI.
  • By implementing the strategies described earlier, your Google Ads expenditure will decrease alongside your conversion rate, ensuring that every dollar spent on your advertisements is accounted for positively and systematically.
  • Regardless of your business size or needs, experts at Technocratiq Digital (TIQ) are here to assist you. We offer targeted strategies tailored specifically for your business and help promote performance efficiencies to achieve all your objectives with your next Google Ads campaign.
Contact us today to get started!
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